Lift Me Up

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10) 

God does not bless us just for ourselves. He blesses us so that we can be a blessing. I believe that purpose was never about one person rising while others remained behind, struggling to take a step forward. 

Purpose, in its purest form, is about service, it is about lifting others as we ascend, about stretching a hand while we step forward, about understanding that true greatness is measured not by how high we go, but by how many lives we elevate along the way.

Yet, how often do we see people hoarding opportunities, guarding their knowledge, and climbing alone, afraid that helping another might somehow dim their light? But purpose is not a selfish pursuit. 

The gifts, talents, and resources that God gives us were never meant to be locked away for personal gain. They were meant to be poured out, to be shared, to be used for the benefit of others.

That means if you have a platform, create space for others. If you have knowledge, teach someone willing to learn. If you have influence, open doors for those who have none. If you have wealth, use it to make someone’s journey easier.

We live in a world where success is often measured by how far ahead we are from others. People rush to be the first, the best, the most celebrated. But what if success is not about getting ahead, but about bringing people along? What if real greatness is found in how many people we lift with us?

The world celebrates individual achievements, but heaven rewards those who serve. Jesus Himself, though the Son of God, knelt to wash the feet of His disciples. He taught us that leadership is about humility, that influence is about servanthood, and that the highest calling is not in being served but in serving others.

So why do we hesitate to lift others? Why do we act as though helping another person succeed will somehow reduce our worth? True impact is not found in rising alone but in building a legacy that continues long after we are gone.

Someone, somewhere, is waiting for you. They are waiting for a mentor, a teacher, a guide, or a friend. They are waiting for someone to believe in them, to support them, to remind them that they are not alone.

It could be the young woman who needs encouragement to chase her dreams. The struggling student who needs a scholarship to continue school. The talented artist who needs an opportunity to showcase their work or the entrepreneur who just needs a small investment to take off.

If you look closely, you will see that there is always someone who needs lifting. And sometimes, the help they need isn’t financial, it’s a word of encouragement, a simple introduction, or just a reminder that they are seen, valued, and capable.

We do not rise for ourselves. We rise so that others can rise too. We become strong so we can strengthen others. We receive so we can give. So, when you reach a new level in your career, who will you lift? When your business expands, whose life will you impact? When God gives you influence, who will you speak for?

Because at the end of it all, true fulfilment is not found in how much we acquire, but in how much we give. It is not in standing alone at the top, but in looking around and seeing how many people we helped get there.

Therefore, as we rise, let us lift others, so that if we ever fall, we won’t fall alone. Those we uplift today may be the very hands that catch us tomorrow.

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