Inspiring Change Every Day with Grace
Moderation in Ambition

Dreams inspire us to aim higher, to see beyond our current limitations, and to pursue what seems impossible. It is therefore encouraging that Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand encourage each one of us to dream as big as the ocean.
Assuredly, being ambitious is essential for growth. It propels transformation and contributes to human evolution. However, when ambition becomes excessive, it can distort our purpose, damage our relationships, and leave us unfulfilled despite achieving what we sought.
There is a time when the teeth of a child become strong enough to chew bones, but until then, it is only good for what it is meant to take at that age. Making the mistake of attempting a premature act due to over-ambition may become disastrous, yet, this is the challenge of many. Being overly ambitious and biting more than they can chew at a time. So, how do we keep ambition from spiralling into over-ambition?
Moderation in ambition is the key. It is about maintaining balance and staying true to the reason you began the journey in the first place. Moderation in ambition, however, isn’t about settling for less; it is rather about reaching for more by taking significant steps without compromising our purpose.
Often, ambition becomes too much when it drives people to compromise their values, through dishonesty, manipulation, or stepping on others to achieve the ambition. Once an individual gets to this level, his or her ambition has crossed the line.
Moreover, ambition becomes too much when it blinds individuals to what truly matters. Like neglecting family, health, or spiritual well-being in pursuit of success. Or shifting focus from purpose to pride. Consequently, instead of aligning your dreams with your purpose, you start chasing recognition, wealth, or power for your own sake.
This creates an insatiable hunger where nothing is ever enough. Immediately one goal is achieved, and the other begins without ever taking the time to appreciate what you’ve accomplished.
Moderation cannot be understated. Like they say, too much of everything is bad. So being moderate in your ambition is essential to keep you grounded and intentional in your pursuit. However, it also doesn’t mean playing it safe or giving up on your dreams. Just keep it going, but keep your dreams aligned with your values and understand the bigger picture of why you’re chasing them.
I believe ambition should always flow from our purpose. Ask yourself: Why am I doing this? Who does this serve? How does this align with my God-given purpose? When ambition serves a higher purpose, it becomes fulfilling rather than destructive.
Therefore, to dream and achieve without being over-ambitious, you need to define success clearly. What does success look like for you? Is it financial stability, impacting lives, or personal growth? By defining success on your terms, you avoid the trap of chasing society’s definition of achievement.
Also, be open to redirection. Sometimes, God closes one door to open another. Be humble enough to pivot when your ambitions no longer align with your purpose.
Furthermore, seek wise counsel. Surround yourself with people who can keep you grounded, like mentors, family, or friends who will remind you of your values and call you out when your ambition starts to consume you.
Also, maintain a balanced life because purpose isn’t achieved at the expense of everything else. Prioritize rest, relationships, and self-care alongside your dreams to keep your ambition on the right path.
From this moment, I dare you to dream. Envision the impossible. But as you pursue your dreams, stay anchored in purpose, humble in spirit, and grateful for every step along the way.
Success isn’t measured by how far you go, it’s about staying true to who you are meant to be while making a difference in the world.
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