Yours Doesn’t Have to Look Like Theirs

In a world of endless comparisons, finding and embracing your unique purpose can feel like chasing a moving target. The irony of purpose, however, is that it’s deeply personal and rooted in your unique design, experiences, and gifts. Yet, many find themselves trapped in the cycle of comparison, believing their purpose must mirror someone else’s grandeur to matter.

The truth is your purpose, no matter how small it may seem in the world’s eyes, carries profound significance. In this fifth episode on the theme of Purpose, we are diving deep into why embracing your unique purpose is not just liberating but also transformative.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt. Humanity thrives on diversity, and purpose is no exception. While some are called to global platforms, others are gifted with behind-the-scenes work that forms the backbone of those platforms.

Imagine a symphony where only the violins played. It would lack depth, harmony, and richness. Purpose works the same way, the world needs the full orchestra, every instrument, every role, every contribution to create a masterpiece.

Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life underscores this. He states, “You are not an accident. Even before the universe was created, God had you in mind, and He planned you for His purposes.” Warren’s work reminds us that each life is meticulously crafted for a reason, whether to lead a nation or nurture a family, to create art or to solve equations.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt. One of the greatest obstacles to embracing your unique purpose is comparison. It’s easy to look at others who seem to have grand, visible callings and feel inadequate. But purpose is not measured by size or visibility, it’s measured by alignment and fulfilment.

At the end of the day, whether you were called to a global stage or a classroom in a very remote area, only one thing would we hear, “…Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.”
Luke 19:17 KJV. Before God, purpose has no size!

Purpose is not about accolades or applause. It’s about alignment, living in harmony with who you were created to be. When you stop striving to mimic someone else’s journey and begin embracing your own, you’ll find joy, fulfilment, and a deeper connection to the impact you’re meant to make.

Always remind yourself that your journey is yours alone. Instead of comparing, celebrate the diversity of callings and focus on your unique path.
Given that purpose doesn’t always arrive in dramatic, world-changing moments. Often, it’s revealed through small acts of faithfulness over time. So don’t rush your journey or beat yourself up.

Take your time, discover your ‘why’ and ‘who’ and learn from others without mimicking them. Books like The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown can help you embrace authenticity in your purpose.

Finally, trust the God of the process. Purpose evolves. Be open to growth, submit your will to His will and change as you walk His path for you.

As we reflect on this subject, remember these words: Your purpose may not look like theirs. It’s not supposed to. And that’s the paradox and beauty of it. Embrace it, and watch how the world changes because of your unique contribution.

Cheers to discovering and living your unique purpose. Don’t settle for imitation when you were born for authenticity.

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One comment

  1. “It’s easy to look at others who seem to have grand, visible callings and feel inadequate. But purpose is not measured by size or visibility, it’s measured by alignment and fulfilment.”
    Am praying am able to focus

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